Saturday 31 March 2012

Pregnancy Jewels

This week has seen the appearance of another Friend that ispossibly going to stay with me for the last 3 months of the pregnancy....
I had never ever experienced it before and to be honest i do not think we like each other... it's really a pain in the stomach and makes working quite difficult.... but hey it comes with the package doesn't it?
Do not worry in 3 months everything will be over...
it might be, or it may be just substituted by extreme sleep deprivation.....
all in all it made me think about the past 6months and all of the joyous changes, and surprises i have encountered on this wondrous journey....
let's look at them together...
the most common "complaints" in the first trimester seem to be:

Morning sickness, Sore breasts & nipples, Period-like cramping, Indigestion, wind and bloating, Constipation and piles, Diarrhoea, Blocked nose and ears, Backache, Headaches, General aches and pains,Aching limbs

How did i fare???
Looking up at the list not too bad I was really affected only by Morning Sickness and blocked nose
4 months of regular throwing up.... nausea all day long,in the morning it was lovely waking up to run to the loo and hug the toilet while crying my eyes out ... during the day the same scene was repeated several times at work hoping nobody wold hear, or notice my red puffy eyes....
Thankfully everybody at work is really interested in me so nobody even bat an eyelid:P

On the blocked nose front I have not been able to breathe properly for the past six months, and in the morning i now resemble Darth Vader.... even at work somebody a few days ago asked

"Who on hearth is doing this heavy breathing???" It was me Babs Vader....

Second trimester???? (it gets easier they tell you, and to be honest it does....)
Common "complaints" are:

Displacement of the intestines, Kidneys problems, Bladder or Urinary Tract Infection, Round ligament spasm, Muscular pain, Indigestion, Gall bladder issues, Back Pain, Leg Cramps, Heartburn, Constipation, Darkening of the skin, bleeding gums, restless legs
and the list could go on ...

To be very honest i have been quite lucky, the only real symptoms i have been having are Constipation (or displacement of the intestines), constant peeing, some leg cramps in the morning (eased by a good bout of cat stretches) and a constant case of Sandra mondainites...(see video to the side)

All not too painful or bothering symptoms, but then this week the heartburn came and OMG it is not pleasant at all....

so what other amazing "friends" will i be welcoming during these last 3 months???

let's see:

swollen limbs from fluid retention (i can't wait to get cankles), leaking breasts (ooh the excitement), constipation, hemorrhoids(mmmmmmmmm fancy), insomnia and discomfort below the rib cage.

Only 10 weeks to go, and i hope i will be as lucky with the last trimester as i have been up to now.... to be honest i am not looking forward the commuting and the demanding staff at work, but hey....


  1. <3 <3 if you need anything let me know
    unless it's between 4/11 April, I'm in Italia

  2. Babs, heartburn, nooo, horrible. I have it sometimes and it's not pleasant at all. Has the doctor given you anything for it?

  3. Chocolate milk really helped my heartburn. And you are allowed to take stuff like Gaviscon to help. But chocolate milk is much tastier :-D
