Sunday 29 January 2012


..Another dream...
Last night i dreamt i was heavily pregnant and i could feel some strange movements inside my belly, so with no further ado i proceed to uncap the top of my belly (kind of a easter egg manover) to find underneath a small swimming pool with a Hoompa Loompa doing breaststroke laps....
he waved, i waved and reclosed my tummy and went back to sleep .....

Saturday 28 January 2012


it opens the cataracts.....

Il Peso - The weight

... how things do change...
up to 4months ago i would look at my tummy and swear as i would see it too big and do crazy things to make it smaller ...
Now i look at my tummy and think:
" Are you in there? Are you sure? Why are you not growing?"

(OMG the baby is going to be fat, I am going to be one of those mothers that keep on saying "Mangia, guarda come sei magro MANGIA" oh noessssss)

I do not see any difference, I am not really hungry all the time (as supposedly i should feel) and i am not able to eat for 3 as someone as suggested... so what does one modern woman do when posed with such a conundrum?
Ask the doctor?
Ask he mother?
Ask other women that have been pregnant before????
Of course not ... she turns to the internet;
the harbringer of information that would make even the more conservative of the spanish inquisitors proud, so full of crap and ignorance and hearsay that can turn the common cold into a cancro fulminante or as google translation has kindly translated: "fulminating cancer" (and then they wonder why italian people speak funny english...)

After a couple (of millions) of searches turns out that by week 18 you should be quite big (according to the "experts" possibly sad  fat pigs)... and have gained 2.5/3 kg (this acording to uk estimates) or 1 to 2.5 kgs (this according to italian estimates) 
(so who is right, why in the uk you can be fatter than in italy... could it be that you guys know diddy squat???)
I used to be 53kg before getting pregnant i am now 55kg so it seems we are on target...(for what a baby turkey or a baby chicken???)
but i  promise I still cannot see any difference....

. tell me, do i look pregnant??????
look again if i do not keep the tummy in.....

Finally to all the people that think
ooohhh that's a fat cow
i can shout
NO... it's a baby

and the idea, today, makes me strangely giddy......

Thursday 26 January 2012


Yesterady was not an easy day, a lot of thoughts and talks 

so after we went to bed i had a dream, it's the second dream with baby in it:
Baby had to be born, but i was eating a loaf of bread with roasted red peppers and goats' cheese .... her i am munching away and ..bham more loaf but we have a baby boy running around .... i turn around and tell Richard, hey he is born ... Richard goes ohhhhh .... and then i start thinking, how strange giving birth was not so terrible after all....but i do not rememebr a thing.....
and then ... bham ... i am back to my loaf with peppers and cheese.....
... second time i dream it is a boy ... cold it be?
(it's probably a girl after these 2 dreams, but we will see)

Wednesday 25 January 2012


Yesterday i got told off for saying "my unborn child"
i was told this is very cold and sounds very detached...
I am not sure why? Can anyone explain?
Could it be true that i am no more than an ice quee?

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Ok guys here is a serious update:

This week, you officially begin your fifth month of pregnancy.
(GOSH 5 months to go, and we are so not ready....)
Your baby may have reached about 12cm from crown to rump by now, and he can both feel and hear. Admittedly at the moment, all he can hear is your heartbeat and the flow of your digestive system (farting?) but soon he'll be able to detect noise outside the womb and identify your voice.
OMG does this mean we cant swear anymore????
Your baby is about 12cm long from crown to rump and she weighs about 190g. Her chest moves up and down to mimic breathing. Her blood vessels are visible through her thin skin, and her ears are now in their final position, although they're still standing out from her head a bit. (considering the parents they will still be standing out at the exit...)

Sunday 22 January 2012

mac donald

... oggi ho dei dolorini ... se i miei anticorpi lo hanno ucciso stanotte non mi perdonero' mai il fatto che l'ultima cosa che ha magiato sia stata Mac Donald .... noooooooooooo
che poi il chicken legend non era per nulla legen ...wait for it...dary i feel some pains ... if i killed it last night with my antibodies i will never forgive myself for having made him have a mac donald as its last meal ....
and after all the chicken legend was not at all legen...wait for it...dary