Sunday 12 February 2012

is this a bump?

A girl at work asked me my due date...
"so when is the baby due?"
"26th June"
... she makes calculations with her fingers....
"So are you like 6 months pregnant??"
"No, almost 5.."
"But no, if the baby is due end of June you are 6 months, no?"
"No, almost 5.."
"But doesn't a pregnancy last 12 months????"

Now really, this week we come to the end of week n.20 ... still 18 or 19 or 20 to go; so we can say we almost made it to the halfway mark...

And the internet tells us:
Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel, the lenght of a banana ( runs to the kitchen picks up a banana and puts it against tummy to gain perspective)
He's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper
Nnow it pees and poos; oh happy moment, I can now prepare to become a poo mum (mums that only speak about their children's poo)

How do i feel? Surprisingly good, still moody as a crazy cow, but not sick anymore
(except on the train on wednesday morning ...sorry fellow commuters i will get a baby on board badge so that you will stop looking at me like if i am the scum of the earth)
- upbeat and chirpy generally
the only thing i am really missing now is a bump ....
i keep on seeing pictures of women on week 20 with shapely bumps, and i do not feel i have one yet....
what do you think? Can we call it bump yet? Do i look pregnant or just a bit fat???

week 20 and still 55KG

now breathe in

and breathe out


  1. Yes, it's a bump. Now relax :)

    But the girl who thought pregnancy lasts 12 months... Mmmm, what a gem...

  2. Definately a bump!!! :)
    This baby blog idea is great!! Happy to hear you are feeling a little better at last...

  3. no more throwing up at the moment :)
