Tuesday 28 February 2012

Maternity Pay

Oh joy..
today i discovered my company will pay me only 6 weeks maternity pay
(which is the minimum required by law)
and then if i want to stay home any longer i get the SMP £128.73 GROSS a week....
Have they ever considered that sometimes the woman is the breadwinner????
gosh things re going to be relly tight....
I feel a bit down,i just hope Richard can stay home instead of me as soon as possible....
the hormones are not helping,
This would so have been a good time for a Mojito
instead I think i might have a good cry


  1. :( Babs... :( Bastards! I wish I could help but you know my situation... :( Can you apply for child benefits or whatever it is they give? (I don't know anything about this stuff so forgive me for the possible blunder).

    1. no Anto, i can't apply for Benefits; i earn far too much...
      but this is not the point... thepoint is we will have to eat onions if i want to pay rent :PP:P:P:P:P
      ...scene from gone with the wind plays...
      yes i know Drama queen :P:P:P

  2. I've got a bag of potatoes, if you want :P

  3. Lo dico in italiano, così ci capiamo noi: ma CHE CAZZOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

  4. We're the same as you - I earnt more than Marc but still only get the statutory minimum.

    Just so you know what leave Richard can take, read this:


    I don't think you can switch until after your 20th week of maternity leave.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but better you know sooner...?

    Hope all is going well otherwise - but living off one income and a pittance from the government is REALLY hard.

    1. Indeed Melissa you are right, very right, theonly positive note is that on your link i just found out that we will get £135.45 from 9 April 2012, instead of the 128; i's a whole 30 pounds a month more (almost 1 week of food :P)
      But apart from this all is good, baby healthy and me too; so we could not really ask for more :)
      How are you doing with the new baby??(not so new anymore now)

    2. New baby is on contented baby regime and is indeed, very contented (I would recommend it any day over 'demand feeding' which is something you will hear over and over) - the only problem at the moment is the two year old! :o)
