Wednesday 7 March 2012

The Season of the Tummy

Well we are due for an update, I have been a bit lazy on the blog side,
I would like to blame work, house chores, husbands, baby to be born etc but the simple truth is i slumped in front of some tv shows or another...

So this week is pregnancy week number 24 or we entered the 25th week, if you prefer.
Feeling great and not being sick constantly has made the time go so fast it is almost scary...weren't we just 12 weeks pregnant a few days ago? What happened to the time????

 Looking at the chart I can see that we entered the second half of the pregnancy, we are almost there there are only 14/15 more weeks to go and then baby is here... are we ready? Of course not, if we really think about it we soil our pants.... if we pretend to think about it we just can't wait and we think it is going to be fun (Yeah Right)

I think the important thing to remember here is that officially we have opened the season of the TUMMY....
I knew it will come, I rejected it, i even refused to acknowledge its existence, but the Tummy always wins; She waited quiet and relaxed until it was time to strike and this week ...BHAM it took control.

The time has come when i won't be able to be as fast, as efficient, as anything as I was before...
I had to acknowledge defeat last Monday when i had to leave work 15 minutes before time as i really, really could not do it anymore.
The tummy had spoken and needed me to rest and lie down; I had to obey.
During the night, just in case i still held on to the feeble idea that i was in control the Tummy woke me up at 2am - 4am - 6am
And i, minion of the Tummy, obeyed.
(Richard says it is just baby getting me ready for the night feeds.... i do not dare to believe in such kindness, i am a slave of the Tummy)

The Tummy will reign sovereign for the next 15 weeks and I, little minion of the tummy, can't do anything but obey;
Eat when she asks you to, sleep when she lets you, rest when she demands it and pee,
... well pee pretty much every 15 minutes to be honest with you guys.

On more mundane news on week 24 our lovely baby should look like this:

"Your baby now weighs more than 600g. She is starting to fill the space in your uterus (womb). From crown to heel she could measure 30cm. Though your baby still has little body fat and her skin is thin and fragile, she's well-proportioned. Her brain is growing rapidly, taste buds have fully developed, and her footprints and fingerprints are continuing to form. Inside her body, her lungs are developing branches of the respiratory tree as well as cells that produce surfactant. This substance will help her air sacs inflate once she reaches the outside world."

 On the mother side i am advised that:

"You may be noticing stretch marks on your belly, hips and breasts". (not a chance yet)
"They are very common at this stage of the pregnancy – about 90 per cent of women get them"
(shall i believe i am in the lucky 10% ... MMM.... i do not think so they will arrive later i think).

"Also, your eyes may be light-sensitive and may feel gritty and dry" (again no, not really)

and Dulcis in fundus  ...
stats say i should have gained between 6 and 8 ks....
well i used to weight 52 kgs and now i am 57 kgs ...
It is clear by now that i am not conforming very well to the stats, but the visit to the ostrich
( ostrich explanation)
this morning has made it even more clear that baby is alive an well
(i had the feeling considering the ballets it does in my tummy)
so i am not going to worry anymore...

And to finish on a happy note, for all of you, horror's lovers a lovely picture of me and the queen
 (the Tummy):

So remember
this is the season of the Tummy
and so as someone very wise has said on facebook:


info about pregnancy are taken form the ever so helpful website
baby centre
thank you for all of the great info


  1. Oooh, TUMMY!!! :-D

    She, you say. Is it just that the tummy is female, or did you find out the gender after all? ;)

  2. the Tummy is female, but we do not know the gender of the baby and we really have no intention or curiosity to find out the baby's ...
