Tuesday 27 March 2012

27 weeks pregnant

A quick quick update on where we are

We are entering the 3rd trimester
(scary times ahead)

The website tells us:
"Your baby now weighs nearly 875g and will probably measures more than 36cm from head to toe. His eyes open and close, he sleeps and wakes at regular intervals and he may suck a finger or thumb.
Sweet dreams, little baby! Some experts believe that babies begin to dream by week 27. Your baby's brain is certainly active now. The characteristic grooves on his brain's surface is starting to appear and more brain tissue is developing. You may be detecting rhythmic movements, which is simply your baby having an attack of the hiccups. They are common this week and throughout your pregnancy. A spell of hiccups usually passes in moments. The sensation for you may be strange, but rather comforting.
Since your uterus (womb) is now up near your rib cage, you may now find yourself short of breath if you haven't already. Starting now and continuing through the last three months of pregnancy, you may be plagued by leg cramps, hemorrhoids, varicose veins and an itchy belly.
If a blood test for your rhesus status found you to be rhesus negative (RhD negative) earlier in pregnancy, you'll probably be tested for antibodies this week or next. These may be present in your blood if your baby is RhD positive, and you'll have what's called an anti-D injection to combat the incompatibility. You may be offered a repeat injection at 34 weeks."

So indeed i am A- and the baby is + so guess what on Friday off we go to get the anti-D injection....
and this time i will have to go on my own
I am terrified of vaccination and needles in general...
will i survive the experience?????


  1. Has the baby started having these hiccups already? Can you feel it? :)

    1. the baby has been kicking and doing the "She is a maniac" routine since week 20... He/She wakes me up at night as it never stops moving.... hence now i wake up Richard and force him to feel the baby so he knows why i am grumpy in the morning when i have not slept a wink.

  2. Aaaww, wish I could come with you and hold your hand. Luckily, I escaped those injections as we are both negative.

    I loved feeling the hiccups!

    1. I hope it is not going to be too painful

  3. I can try and come! Let me know when/where and I will ask my boss

    1. not to worry Fra
      sono una bambina grande
      i have to overcome my fears.... and if i faint i am just 5 minutes awat from home

  4. Sicura?? guarda che posso prendere ferie... per te questo e altro <3

    1. piccina grazie, ma e' solo una vaccinazione e poi con il lavoro nuovo non si scherza :P
      tieni le ferie per quando babysitterai :P

  5. I am really enjoying the blog! :) It´s great that you keep us updated! I am sure the injection will not hurt, and it is over in seconds, sending lots of positive energy your way.- Emelie
