It is week 30 ... only 9/10 weeks more to go
a quick count tells me that:
Ovulation date: Wed, October 5th ,2011
Conception date: Wed, October 5th ,2011
Implantation date: Fri, October 14th ,2011
Due date: Tue, June 26th ,2012
Still to go:
66 days to go
OMG seems like an eternity and at the same time so close.... this week has been a bit hard, I think hormones were playing up a little and I am getting increasingly paranoid something might go wrong at the last minute... I even started a baby movements monitoring excel spreadsheet as i sometimes am to busy and fail to notice movement and then think baby is dead..... and a chart of my increasing tummy circumference (92 cm this week) as I feel i am not gaining any weight (would i ever imagined this might have become a concern of mine.....)
I am also increasingly disappointed and concerned by the service provided by the NHS, as i am not happy at all with the fact that i have not seen my "real" midwife for 4 months (why would i want to when i have even seen the obstetrician once!!!!) .. it seems they rely a lot on the stats... "97% of the times all goes well, so why should you worry" is the attitude i am faced with.
I supposed it does do work when you are faced with the numbers they have to deal with; but what they really forget is the emotions that come with this experience, the uncertainty of it all. I have never had babies before, and never been in close contact with women that have, so i really miss emotional support, you jut need someone to tell you what you are going through is normal, and mostly i just want someone scientifically and medically trained to tell me baby is all right and not a middle age WW micro van hippy telling me to smell flowers.....
But enough ranting.... thanks to the internet and wasting a lot of time you can find all of the information you need and definitely more emotional support that you ever need to ...
this is what happens in week 30 of pregnancy:
Your baby now measures a little more than 39cm from crown to toe. Her
growth in terms of her length will soon slow down but she will continue
to gain weight until she's born. She probably weighs about 1.3kg at this
Your baby's lungs and digestive tract are almost fully developed. She
continues to open and shut her eyes. She can probably see what's going
on inside your uterus (womb), tell light from dark and even track a
light source. If you shine a light on your stomach, your baby may move
her head to follow the light or even reach out to touch the moving glow.
your baby now has eyebrows and can bat her eyelashes!
About a litre of amniotic fluid now surrounds your baby, but that
volume decreases as she gets bigger and has less room in your uterus. As you and your baby continue to grow, don't be alarmed if you feel breathless, as if you can't get enough air. It's just your uterus pressing against your diaphragm.
And it should look something like this, but i am not sure baby is turned exactly that way as yesterday evening we freakly felt something like fingers or toes through the tummy......
Ciao Barbara, ci sono passata anche io per la prima gravidanza, e devo dirti che anche se sono stata supportata sia dall'ostetrica (che qui in Germania ti segue sia prima che dopo il parto a casa), sia dal mio ginecologo, le emozioni sono quelle che descrivi tu. Hai sempre un pó paura che qualcosa vada storto. É normale, non devi preoccuparti per questo ;) Per quanto puoi, cerca di viverla il piú tranquillamente possibile. Se non senti il bimbo muoversi, cerca di stimolarlo premendo un pó sulla pancia ed aspetta che reagisca. Devi solo abituarti al fatto che quello che provi é assolutamente normale. Se hai qualche domanda puoi anche scrivermi in privato. Ciao.
era tutto quello che mi volevo sentire dire.... sono lunghissimi questi 9 mesi... vorrei uscisse ora anche se non cotto del tutto
Di niente :) So bene cosa provi. Forza, che siamo entrambe vicine al traguardo ;)
DeleteYou know that you can call me anytime you want to for emotional support, tips and hints, or just a rant...
ReplyDeleteCan't believe that you're so far along now. It is all so very exciting, and I can't wait to meet Lily's future husband/lesbian lover :-D
I'm with Camilla - if you do want any 'real' info or ideas then you can call on me too - your friends that have had babies will all have different stories and different experiences that will show you just how individual each person's experience is.
ReplyDeleteThere are some things that everyone will probably agree on though - try not to be in such a rush to have the baby out. Jorja was two weeks overdue and I was desperate for her to not be late as both my sister and aunt were flying out of the country right on day 14 - so you know she arrived after both flights had taken off. They will arrive when they want to and there really isn't anything you can do, despite all the old wive's tales. And unfortunately, once they're out you can't put them back in just to get a few minutes rest or peace...
As for midwives, I saw 5 different ones in my last few weeks of pregnancy (with Jorja) at my local GPs, and none of them were actually at the hospital where I had her, I also saw another 3 or 4 whilst at the hospital and none of them picked up that Jorja was breach, so had c-section in the end.
With Lilly they did pick up that she wasn't engaged - but she was sideways so guess that is easier to notice than if the bum is down instead of the head. Had a natural delivery with her in the end, so have had both ways and couldn't tell you what was best - although for the second I was glad it was natural as the outward recovery was quicker than with the c-section and I could move and lift things much sooner.
One thing I haven't experienced though is the onset of natural contractions, or Braxton Hicks - that's one thing that I did miss that I do regret a bit; both my labours were induced.
Anyhow, I'm going on much to much - I blame tiredness and the glass of wine I've been drinking (I don't have much these days with still breastfeeding so just can't handle it as well as I used to!).
Love to Richard, hope he is making the most of his late nights and lie-ins as soon they will be no more....