Tuesday, 23 October 2012

The Passport AKA "il lasciapassare A38"

When i was a child getting a passport was like a dream,a momentous event that will enable me to leave the horrible little town i was born into and open the doors to amazing locations and exotic destinations (to be fair up to 15 the most exotic place i visited was Switzerland !?! )
The path that led me to my first passport was long at first i did not have a passport, i was "part" of my parents passport, when i got to 11 i got a strange green wallet, at 13 I graduated to an ID card and finally with the move to the UK i got my Passport.

So when the time came for Amy to get her passport (after all she has got dual nationality) i was duly excited; she will have not 1 passport but 2!!!!
Just after we registered Amy at Lambeth council we started thinking about passports and we started gathering information on how to get them...
In a matter of hours we realised that getting a British passport was pretty straight forward:
-get birth certificate
-get wedding certificate (translated by any registered translation agency in the UK)
-get form from the post office
-pay fee
-get passport
all pretty straight forward....
we then called the Italian Consulate to get instructions on how to obtain the Italian passport; it became immediately clear that it would not be so simple ... after 5 minutes on the phone with the very helpful assistant i was reminded of Asterix and his 12 tasks:

A few weeks down the line we are still lost in the burocratic iter that will one day lead to the "lasciapassare A38" but just a few days ago we got a letter in the post

Amy was all excited:
and indeed in a matter of 5 days we got Amy's british passport:
So we are all ready to go... Italy here we come, tomorrow it is going to be Amy's first flight


  1. ooooooooooh! E' sempre piu' uno spasso questa piccina, almeno nelle foto. Buon viaggio Amy!

    1. la mia piccinaaaaa, un giorno dovremo fare incontrare le due bestiole
