Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Una sorpresa, un gioco e del cioccolato ( a surprise, a game and some chocolate)

"Vorrei... vorrei

Una sorpresa, un gioco e del cioccolato"
( i have tried to find the video on youtube, but it is almost impossible :( )

this is a sentence that meant a lot to me for many years;
it was part of the Italian spot for Kinder eggs .... we all loved kinder eggs,kinder chocolate bars ( con piu' latte e meno cacao); they were a staple of every body's merenda.... they are pure genius, you open, you eat and you get a game, plus in those ingenuity filled years we got the game container which could be used to shoot stuff around the playground....

Sadly Mr Ferrero died this weekend leaving all of us childern of the 80s ( and not only) with a bit of a knot in the stomach.....

without him no ferrero rocher, no nutella and no kinder eggs, in other words a very sad childhood....
( it was a very sad childhood in the USA where kinder eggs were banned as the toys inside were a choking hazard... but that's ok they could go to the local walmart to get stuff that shoots other stuff around ... )

So although today is Shrove Tuesday, pancake day, martedi grasso today in the canziani-chiesa household we celebrated Mr Ferrero...
With Amy's first Kinder egg....

Amy demonstrated why this man was a genius...

so thank you Sig. Ferrero...

we will make sure that another generation shall carry your flag...
and while we are at it we shall celebrate Pancake day with some light and totally fat free (:P) Nutella pancakes...

  • 250 gr, flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp Nutella
  • 1 large egg 
  • 340 ml buttermilk ( if you do not have it, use the usual trick add some lemon juice to the milk, wait 5 minutes and there you have buttermilk substitute)

How to make it

  • Whisk together flour, baking soda, salt and sugar. In another bowl, whisk together Nutella and the egg. When smooth, beat in buttermilk. Combine the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and stir until just mixed.
  • Heat a non stick frying pan over high heat until a drop of water on the surface skips around. Grease it with butter ( the more you use the tastier they will be... stuff the diet, we have lent for that) and drop batter into 3-inch rounds. To check that they are ready check for bubbles on the surface and check that the edges are dry. Turn over and cook for another minute or two in the other side.
  • Serve immediately, with more Nutella.
Eat warm with gusto, no regrets and a sprinkle of icing sugar for good measure.

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