Tuesday, 8 September 2015

The truth about the button bowl

So it has been a week, time to catch up on the "Button bowl" craft ....
I started full of hopes
I worked all weekend and this was the final result

After much thought I decided to put my beautiful bowl in the bathroom ....
There it has been residing since last Wednesday ... and this is what it looks like today
I still think it looks quite good, but the reality is that day by day the bowl is looking more and more like a plate....
It seems the buttons are too heavy for the glue...
Not sure whether I need more buttons, different buttons; or maybe more glue or a different glue... suggestions are welcome.
I am still planning to master the bowl and use it for Xmas presents.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Button Bowl 2 - the return

OMT the bowl has lost structural integrity
It is pliable AGAIN
We are risking losing the first ever object I have made with the help of the Internet!!!
I have put it back on the stand
Hopefully it just needs more time for the glue to dry...